Master Sri Avinash is a non-sectarian spiritual Master and renowned healer. His Mission is to help people all over the world achieve true inner peace—the peace that is lasting, the peace that is uplifting, the peace that you take with you everywhere you go. With a heart of compassion, he travels to many cities offering retreats and healer training and also hosts free webinars to share his healing gift and teachings for the benefit of the world.
Master Sri Avinash’s rare healing abilities have benefited thousands of people worldwide. His healing has helped people overcome all sorts of symptoms and conditions both physical and mental, such as back pain, cancer, strokes, insomnia, depression, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, liver conditions, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, migraines, heart murmurs, stomach ulcers and much more. What makes his healing really special is the fact that he is able to heal large groups of people all at once, with incredible results.
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